The eagle gay bar foot fetish

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Sometimes society approves of your sexuality, and sometimes not. There is no nudity or x-rated photos/films on this site, just fetish ones. It is designed for people who find the foot/shoe/uniform/etc. Being on this site is NOT an indication of their personal sensual preferences. These men are comfortable with their own heterosexuality and did not mind having women or men at their feet. The MODELS on this site are STRAIGHT guys, who are of legal age. Welcome to the Foot Fraternity: An Affirmation web site designed for people with a fetish for feet, footwear, uniforms, tickle, trample, etc. More films are available from this model. (If you no longer have available stream credits for this month, this button will give you the option to upgrade your gallery membership)

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Stream Title: FOOTBALL TRAVIS GETS ATTENTION & FOOT ACTION: EXCITING! Since you are logged into the gallery, click this button to view this full length stream for FREE!!

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