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From early performances with a pre-famous - pre- Fame - Lady Gaga to regular work with Amanda Lepore, Cazwell has certainly helped to enliven the scene.

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After high school and a few years struggling in vain to find acceptance as a gay rapper in Boston’s hip hop scene, he moved to New York City, where he has slowly but surely charted his own course to the spotlight. The 33-year-old grew up in Massachusetts, in the town pronounced ”Woosta.” He grew up a fun-spirited troublemaker, one who first started rapping to rhymes from Shel Silverstein and was drawn to the genre by New York party acts Deee-Lite and the Beastie Boys. ”I think everyone should demand that I go back on RuPaul’s Drag Race and teach those queens how to rap again because I was really good,” he says.

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He appeared last year on RuPaul’s show on Logo - where, of course, his videos are in heavy rotation. But Cazwell is still savoring his time on the small screen.

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