East indian gay videos

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The time or place of this incident is not clear. He said that he showed the video to the family members of the deceased, and they confirmed it was not her.Ī post shared by The North-Eastern Chronicle Police has issued photographs of the accused and said, “These images are of 5 culprits who are seen brutally torturing & violating a young girl in a viral video. IPS officer and founder of Helping Hands shared the information on Facebook. However, the woman in the video is not late Lovikali Sumi, who committed suicide in Jodhpur.

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It is true that the incident happened and possibly happened in 2021 itself, as the song in the background of the video was released in January 2021. Several vloggers hailing from the Northeast also shared their views on the video on Youtube, assuming it was of the woman who committed suicide in Jodhpur. She removed the victim’s clothes while the four men forcefully held her on the bed.Īs the video was leaked just after the Jodhpur incident, several social media users connected them, assuming the women in both videos were the same. There was a woman in the room as well who was helping the men to rape her. In the video, four men were seen raping a woman who appeared to be from the Northeast. The video that surfaced over the social media platforms was widely shared as a video of the deceased girl.

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